
Showing posts from March, 2024

Image of the Day: Good Friday, March 29, 2024

Have a great and blessed Easter weekend!

Can You Spare Eleven Minutes for Jesus on a Good Friday? He died, so that we may live.

I didn't find Jesus. He was never lost, but I sure was. Jesus found me and saved me from myself. On this day, which appears to be a dark day of blood bath and death, becomes a Good Friday of the greatest love imaginable, because nothing could ever surpass this goodness. God gave his only Son to die for our sins and transgressions. Jesus borne our griefs and carried our sorrows with him to the cross so that we may have peace in life. And I'm here to tell you, life without His peace, is not peace at all. I'm not talking about "peace on Earth" kind of peace. The peace I'm talking about is that inner peace that makes you whole. It gives you purpose. And it can only be found through Him. I know, I've walked without it. I was on the verge of destroying myself without it. The emptiness in my soul was punishingly powerful that it almost did me in. But His mercy and grace are more powerful. It was the resurrection of my life. The greatest gift ever given, and that

Good Friday: Organizations, Forgive Them Father, For They Know Not What They Do.

Forgive me, for I am very cynical of organized religion, but it's not limited to religion. I'm cynical and lacking in trust of any organized group bonded together by a direct common cause. Why? Because people are flawed and evil by nature. It's human nature. Eventually these groups get poisoned by individuals who are willing to protect the group’s sins against their power and formed hierarchy elite at any cost, and the next thing you know you're nailing a guy onto a cross on a perfectly good Friday! We can look at most of our political parties and civic organizations in our own country and see this happening as well. They're literally tearing our country apart as I write with division to no one's benefit but their own selfish agendas. Neither side can put their differences aside for the common sense or for a conversation even for the good of the country. They're full of corruption and will do about anything to protect their sins and power. I think I may ha

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A Deeper Look into S.C. Lawmaker's DHEC Restructuring Bills

  It's a restructuring and consolidation of power influenced by a globalist consulting group and a recipe for tyrannical disaster  Story By :   Tony J. Spain March 15, 2024     Last month the South Carolina House of Representatives and the State Senate both past bills in their respective chambers to consolidate six health agencies into a single agency in an effort to restructure the health-related functions of state government and comply to a new law passed last year.      In May 2023, South Carolina lawmakers approved, and  Governor Henry McMaste r signed into law  S.399   --a law which abolishes the current maze of health care bureaucracies of the  S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control  (SCDHEC) and creates in its place a singular health care agency state Department of Public Health (SCDPH) separated from the environmental side creating a standalone environmental agency Department of Environmental Services (SCDES).      In theory, I support such a move, that would c

The Media and Democrats Can't Stop Trump Momentum and Biden Derailment with Black Voters

     Former President Donald J. Trump was the keynote speaker at the Black Conservative Federation's honor's gala held in Columbia, S.C. the night before the South Carolina Republican Primary, and the press tried to make something about nothing of his remarks.       MSNBC asked South Carolina Republican Party Chair, Drew McKissick about the comments to which he replied by comparing Trump to a construction worker.      "If at this point everyone doesn't know how Donald Trump speaks and has spoken since he came on the scene in 2015 then they haven't been living in this country very long, McKissick told MSNBC. "Donald Trump is like a billionaire construction worker. I mean that's the way he talks and if they haven't gotten used to that yet then they're not going to."      Trumps remarks throughout the night was received with applause and laughter from the approximately 500 mostly black conservative lawmakers, activists, pundits and donors in at